Saturday, January 23, 2010

Posting pertama tentang HYIP di tahun 2010 di Surabaya

Hampir setiap hari hujan mengguyur kota Surabaya ini.Tidak terasa sudah 2 minggu saya disini
Sudah lama saya tidak mengupdate blog ini.Mungkin terlalu tenggelam dan belajar di Forex.
Sejak tahun baru ini dimulai.Ok sekarang balik lagi ke dunia hyip ini lagi dan Forex juga.

Cukup mengejutkan buat saya saat menjumpai 2 programs HYIP favorite saya mengalami kendala.Yaitu Clockwork Investment dan Gold Nugget Invest.


It is about my journey with HYIP's.I invest in all programs that listed on this blog.Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.Using these links to join any of the sites is No guarantee that you will make money. I can not be held responsible for any losses that may occur.And anyone could fold tomorrow.Do not invest money that you can not afford to loose.Please do your due diligent first. And invest with your own risk.


Infinitiva. Investment Services of the Highest Quality


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