Thursday, March 18, 2010

hari -hari penuh scam

Akhirnya Geniusfunds ikut hilang juga...
Akhir - akhir ini banyak program HYIP yang "kategori" bagus semuanya telah scam.
Nanomoney,Pirex,Enviro,Geniusfunds dll....
Semuanya scam...

Untuk saat ini saya akan coba untuk mensortir lagi kira 2 HYIP programs mana yang perlu kita investasikan.

OK Guys itu dulu deh khabarnya...
Sungguh bukan situasi yang mengenakan saat ini


It is about my journey with HYIP's.I invest in all programs that listed on this blog.Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.Using these links to join any of the sites is No guarantee that you will make money. I can not be held responsible for any losses that may occur.And anyone could fold tomorrow.Do not invest money that you can not afford to loose.Please do your due diligent first. And invest with your own risk.


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