Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rental Play Station dan HYIP

Selayaknya saya harusnya update kemarin,tapi baru bisanya sekarang.Well enggak apa - apa deh agak telat satu hari.Lumayan kemarin dapat setoran dari rental play station tinggal menunggu bank buka bisa langsung setor dan sekalian buat nambah dana untuk invest di HYIP.
Kemarin saya menambah portfolio di HYIP walaupun sebenarnya ini hanya test the water saja.

Program tersebut adalah :

Programnya cukup unik biasanya Program HYIP bermain di FOREX atau capital market lainnya.
Tapi disini beda ,ini saya kutip dari website mereka...

"This is an adult investment club investing in adult businesses with a stated gross income that provides a reliable return of investment. We are the first investment platform on the market investing in our own adult businesses (Xrate adult sites, Xrate online shops and Xrate DVD production) and in other successful adult entrepreneurs to offer our you a secure and reliable return. Our aim is not to offer the highest profits on the market but to pay realistic and stable profits without risk involved... "

Tapi tetaplah waspada namanya juga HYIP selalu ada risk dibelakangnya.
Itu dulu deh update hari ini.

Oh yah...

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri ...
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

2nd Batch : Investasi di HYIP

Ini sebenarnya lanjutan dari first batch investasi di HYIP.Kali ini saya mengikuti 6 program HYIP sekaligus.Program - program HYIP ini saya pilih setelah melihat dan menimbang - nimbang secara seksama.

Langsung saja ini program pertamanya :

AIM adalah sebuah program yang menawarkan profit bervariasi tergantung jumlah deposit atau invest yang anda lakukan.Minimum ratenya adalah 0.5% perhari dengan minimum investnya adalah $ 20.

Program kedua adalah :


dari namanya memang kurang meyakinkan tapi kalau dilihat websitenya lumayanlah designnya.
Ini tentang incomenonstop yang saya ambil dari webnya...

Your investment will bring solid income only with IncomeNonStop

For investors who want to test our trading skills and our service quality. This Investment plan is based on our daily trading strategy. Still the plan offers an alluring 1.5% daily interest. The minimum deposit is $30.00 USD. All payments will be made only Mon - Fri (Business Days). You will get your principal after 50 business days.

Rekan - rekan bisa melihat langsung ke website mereka untuk lebih detailnya.

Program ketiga adalah :

This type of fund is best used by investors who have more than enough money in the bank and aren't too concerned about getting major returns from their investment. It's a long-term venture that you can utilize as trust fund money for your children or even as a secure source of retirement income. It's more focused on gradual monetary growth and reduced risk than instant profit and increased risk.

All of us desire a lavish and comfortable life. The Kapital wants you to think beyond basic necessities of life i.e. Food, Clothes and Shelter. The latest gives you a lot of choices - especially when you are looking for Great life style, Big Home, your own well established Business and top of all - Protection for your family.

Baru berusia kurang lebih 2 -3 bulan yang jadi ganjalan namanya kok kapital bukan capital.
Ok kita lihat sampai berapa lama mereka berjalan.

Program ke empat :

Infinitiva. Investment Services of the Highest Quality

Infinitifa mengclaim mereka adalah real company yang terdaftar di belize.Melalui FAQ mereka menerangkan :
Yes, Infinitiva, Inc is legally registered in Belize on November 12, 2008. Incorporation documents can be downloaded from the "Company Documents" section of our website. (You must login first to access this section)

Mereka menawarkan program dengan variasi rate

Available Investment Plans

Daily Rate Amount (in USD) Days*
Starter Plan
0.8% - 1.0% 10.00 - 59.99 30
Advanced Plan
1.0% - 1.3% 60.00 - 999.99 150
Professional Plan
1.3% - 1.6% 1,000 - 4,999 150
Expert Plan
1.6% - 1.8% 5,000 - 9,999 150
Senior Plan
1.8% - 2.2% 10,000 - 19,999 150
Ultimate Plan
2.2% - 2.6% 20,000 - unlimited 150

Kalau dilihat website design dan complicated works yang mereka kerjakan keliatannya infinitiva akan bertahan lama.semoga saja.

Program kelima :

CorpusTrust is a solution for all the people looking to make safe long term investments. Our ideas and experienced personnel will guarantee that all your invested money will be used in the most sufficient way bringing you highest returns possible.CorpusTrust offers fixed high yield returns starting from 1.2% for a period of 180 business days. We will make sure that your daily interest will never fall below the fixed amount.

Baru kali ini saya melihat suatu program HYIP seperti corpustrust.Dengan design website yang cukup baik ditambah security feature baik juga.Mereka akan mengirimkan pin ke alamat email kita apabila terjadi perubahan IP pada saat members untuk login.

Generally nya corpus keliatan promising.

program ke enam :


Living inside this world of money exchange and understanding how this beast operates has enabled me to make certain contacts and become friends with those that not only control the financial transactions but have made enormous amounts of money effortlessly behind the scenes while the rest of the world quietly passes by. It is true that money does have the ability to wield power to those that have large amounts of it, but I also believe that those that have the “knowledge” of how to make that money wield a greater power still.
This is where “CashTanker” has come about. Because of my contacts and certain private placements I have presently placed my money in, I have the ability to bless quite a few people that want to partake of the daily interest I am able to make. There is no work on your part as I have already done the difficult part on my end. You just need to look over my website and see if this would be a good tool for you to use to help you and your family financially. I understand if this type of investment might seem way out of the “norm” for most people looking at it. One might even think that it could be an outright lie or a scam. I don’t blame you one bit! Most people do not know much about banking, bank debentures, or private placements and how much money that can be made in transacting them. That is Ok… I do know, and I am enjoying the retired life because of it.

Websitenya paling sederhana Tulisannya di website juga sederhana.Tapi cashtanker akhir - akhir ini semakin popular.Saya juga coba ikut

Ok.Itu semua 6 programs HYIP tambahan di Batch 2.
Sekian dulu informasi saya.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First batch : Investasi di HYIP

High Yield Investment Program memang adalah suatu program yang memberikan return yang sangat tinggi.Tetapi disisi lain HYIP juga mempunyai resiko yang sangat tinggi juga.Karena begitu mudahnya suatu program datang dan menghilang.

Untuk saat pertama ini saya mencoba untuk stake 2 programs di HYIP dan ikut berinvestasi atau spekulasi didalamnya.Dan setelah melihat - lihat HYIP listing dan monitor di tempat lain.Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk ikut di Money Care dan Vaultinvestment.

Berikut ini tentang Money Care yang saya ambil dari situs web mereka.

"Money Care is a principal-protected currency (forex) fund, managed by MCare Ltd., a pioneer in high yield protected investments. MCare Ltd. is a Belize registered (reg. no. 85377) international investment company.

"Principal-protected investments are investments that guarantee you will not lose any of your initial investment regardless of whether the market falls below the level it was at when you made the initial investment."

Investing in Money Care is a simple way to benefit from income from forex trading, with the added reassurance of full capital protection. Your principal is repaid in full at maturity irrespective of our trading result."

Dan satu program lagi adalah Vaultinvestment

We have the discipline and the processes to win in this tough environment. We are in the second year of a successful organic growth initiative that is delivering results. More than half of our revenues are outside the U.S., and our global revenue growth was 62% in 2008. We have strict risk discipline, and as a result, have no exposure to losses from Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and Structured Investment Vehicles (SIVs). We have retained a "Triple-A"-rated balance sheet and generate substantial cash flow, so we can invest while others pull back.

Total ada 2 programs HYIP yang saya ikuti saat ini.Kita lihat nanti perkembangan berikutnya.

Posting Pertama

Posting pertama tentang kegiatan online hari ini.
Setelah browsing kesana-kesini,saya lanjutkan untuk kembali ke dunia HYIP dan Betonmarkets.
Disamping dunia play station dan xbox entertaiment yang saya geluti saat ini.
Intinya sih mencari uang di online dan offline.

Garis besarnya untuk offline usaha yang digeluti adalah rental PS2 dan XBOX.Dan untuk online adalah Google adsense,HYIP dan Betonmarkets.

Semua sudah didaftarkan dari account di Betonmarkets,Liberty reserve sebagai payment procesor dan sejumlah dana sebagai modal awal.

Wish me luck


It is about my journey with HYIP's.I invest in all programs that listed on this blog.Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.Using these links to join any of the sites is No guarantee that you will make money. I can not be held responsible for any losses that may occur.And anyone could fold tomorrow.Do not invest money that you can not afford to loose.Please do your due diligent first. And invest with your own risk.


Infinitiva. Investment Services of the Highest Quality


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